Author: Daniela Oliveira

Value of healthcare through technology

In 2018, Klaus Schwab, professor, engineer and economist, cited the digitization of healthcare as the fourth industrial revolution. The various technological innovations in information and data control applied to the production of goods and services involve hospital technologies. Unified electronic records, different forms of monitoring and health care, greater precision in diagnoses, time reduction in processes, personalized care […]

7 wastes in health

First of all, we must present the definition of the word waste. In the dictionary, the masculine noun waste means “exaggerated expenditure; squandering” and “use without profit; loss”. These meanings can already dimension how waste is harmful in any occasion. In healthcare, LEAN methodology seeks to reduce variation and improve processes, which reduces waste. It promotes understanding of hospital routines, […]

Triple aim: value in healthcare

Introduction The current healthcare system, in addition to failing to invest in disease prevention, lacks integration or teamwork, and is fragmented. Patients do not receive the attention and care they deserve and need. The lack of safety causes countless incidents throughout Brazil. Actions capable of involving disease prevention, better care focused on patients who are […]

Measuring medication-related AEs

In 2017, the WHO launched a global challenge to decrease serious and preventable medication-related harm by 50% by 2022. And to help on this journey, hospital management will need more robust monitoring systems. Some available tools include: Global Trigger Tool (GTT) Medication Safety Thermometer (MST) These help measure adverse drug-related events. Through notifications alone, it is impossible to measure […]

Occurrences of Adverse Events

Concern about human error and accident risk management in organizations is relatively recent. For at least two decades, several studies in different countries have been evaluating patient safety in hospitals, but more attention needs to be paid to system failures to measure and evaluate what happened in order to develop strategies capable of increasing and improving the […]

Risk management and patient safety

In 400 BC, the Greek doctor Hippocrates said, “The first thing is to do no harm”; the quote shows the importance of managing patient-related actions to avoid events that cause harm. In other words, there is always a “quid pro quo” (something for something). As models in risk management, we can cite high-reliability industries (HRO), such as […]

Patient Safety Awareness

The Patient Safety Movement Foundation – PSMF is a global non-profit foundation whose mission is to eliminate preventable medical errors. According to PSMF, Adverse Events (AE) are responsible for approximately 4.8 million deaths per year worldwide, which is equivalent to 125 thousand deaths per year in Brazil. In 1999, through the report To err is Human: Building a Safer Health […]

A software to measure errors

Adverse Events (AE) caused by medications present the greatest single risk of harm to patients in hospitals. The medication chain involves several sectors of the hospital: Standardization; Reception Distribution; Unitarization; Prescription; Clinical pharmacology; Medication administration; Medication return. In all these steps, quality and safety are essential. According to the IHI – Institute for Healthcare Improvement, public health researchers […]

How to Improve Processes

1 Introduction Process management defines the step-by-step of the company’s key activities. It evaluates the effectiveness of routines and procedures and is able to visualize the best points of improvement and vulnerability in processes. Organizations need processes that are structured, organized and guided by management. All company activities should be treated as a chain of […]

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