A quality tool used for organizing institutions. The 5S stands for Seiri (Utilization), Seiton (Organization), Seiso (Cleaning), Seiktsu (Standardization), and Shitsuke (Discipline).
Automatic Dispensing Cabinet, or automated dispensary (for drugs and medications).
Adding Value
Providing the patient with a new positive experience, i.e., surprising them with something extraordinary and truly differentiated.
Adverse Event
Any event causing harm to the patient.
Artificial Intelligence.
Set of medicines produced in the same manufacture, identified by a unique number.
Booster Medications
Medicines that increase the action of other medicines or treatments.
Central Hospital Pharmacy
Main storage and distribution area for medicines in the hospital.
Clinical Pharmacy
Approach where pharmacists collaborate directly with doctors and patients to optimize med therapy.
Pharmacists work directly within the healthcare team, participating in therapeutic decisions and monitoring patients.
Clinical Protocols
Standardized guidelines and procedures for the use of medicines in specific medical conditions, based on scientific evidence.
Compulsory Use Medicines
Medicines that, due to their clinical importance, must be made available immediately when prescribed.
Continued Use
Continued use of a medication, especially in chronic diseases, to maintain the effectiveness of treatment.
Situation in which the use of a medication is not recommended due to potential risks for the patient
Controlled Medicines
Substances with potential for abuse or dependence, subject to strict regulation in their prescription, dispensation and control.
Cross Dispensing
The process of verifying the accuracy of prescription and dispensing before the patient receives the medication.
Cross Dispensing
The process of verifying the accuracy of prescription and dispensing before the patient receives the medication.
Practice of receiving products and distributing them immediately, minimizing the need for prolonged storage.
Process of mixing a medication with a diluent to adjust its concentration before administration.
The controlled and documented distribution of medicines to patients, in accordance with medical prescriptions.
Dispensing Checklist
Checklist used by the pharmacist to ensure that all dispensing steps were followed correctly.
The process of delivering medicines to different sectors and units of the hospital, ensuring continuous supply.
Area of the pharmacy responsible for managing materials and equipment, in addition to medicines.
Electronic Health Record System (EHR)
Digital platform that centralizes medical and pharmaceutical records, improving care coordination.
Electronic Medical Record
Sistema digital que armazena informações clínicas e farmacêuticas dos pacientes.
Electronic Prescription
Use of computerized systems to prescribe and record medications, improving accuracy and reducing prescription errors.
An acronym in English that stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.
Essential Medicine
Medicine considered essential to meet the health needs of the population.
Essential Medicines
List of medicines considered essential to meet the health needs of the population.
Expiration Date
The date by which a medicine is considered safe and effective for use. Expired medications must be disposed of properly.
First in First out
– Expiry date control system used for medications, where the first item in is the first item out, to prevent losses due to expiration.
When a medicine is dispensed outside of regular hours to meet an urgent need.
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, a quality tool for analyzing failure modes and their effects.
Gemba walks
Derived from Japanese, “gemba” means the actual place, involving walking where the work happens. Created by Toyota executive Taiichi Ohno.
Green Belt
A certification for using tools and methods for quality improvement.
High Alert Medication.
The set of surveillance procedures that covers the entire blood cycle, aiming to obtain and provide information on adverse events at various stages to prevent their occurrence, improve process and product quality, and enhance the safety of donors and recipients.
High Flow Medications
Medicines that are in high demand and need to be refilled frequently.
High Surveillance Medication
Medicines that have a high risk of causing significant harm if administered incorrectly.
Hospital Information System (HIS)
Digital platform that integrates clinical and pharmaceutical information to improve patient management.
Hospital Logistics
The management of processes related to the acquisition, storage, distribution and control of medicines and other medical supplies within a hospital.
Hospital Pharmacy
HSWMP (Health Services Waste Management Plan)
Plan that defines safe procedures for disposing of medical waste, including expired or unused medicines.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement, which focuses on improving healthcare.
Infection Prevention and Control
Originating from Japanese, it means “change for better” with a philosophy of continuous improvement.
Originating from Japanese, it means visualization or card. It is a method used in healthcare institutions for medication and material control.
Advance preparation of medication kits for patients, saving time and ensuring correct administration.
Look-Alike, Sound-Alike (medications with similar names and sounds).
List of Standardized Medicines
List of medications selected by the hospital for routine use, aiming to optimize management and reduce errors.
Lean, Quality, and Safety, a concept created by industrial engineer Victor Basso to unite these three categories in one department with the intention of cost reduction.
Management of High-Cost Medications
Approach to administer expensive and/or highly complex medications, optimizing their use and control.
Multidisciplinary Antineoplastic Therapy
Med Interaction
Occurrence when two or more medications interact in the body, which may affect the effectiveness or safety of the treatment.
Medication on Time
Medications that need to be administered at specific times to ensure their effectiveness.
Medication Per Os (PO)
Medication administered orally, that is, by mouth.
Medication Reconciliation
Comparison of patient medication lists at different stages of treatment to avoid errors.
Medication Reconciliation
Process of comparing the patient’s medication list at different points of care transition to avoid errors.
Medication Supply Chain
The process that encompasses the supply of medications in a hospital institution, from the prescription and dispensing phase to administration, which can vary from one institution to another.
Medicine Distribution Unit (MDU)
Place where medicines are prepared for distribution in hospital units.
Minimum Stock
Minimum quantity of medicines that must be available to avoid interruptions in dispensing.
Multidisciplinary Nutrition Therapy.
Off-Label Use
Use of a medicine for an indication not approved by the regulatory agency, based on scientific evidence.
P&T Committee
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.
Pharmaceutical Anamnesis
Collecting information about the patient’s medication use history to evaluate possible interactions or problems.
Pharmaceutical Visit
The pharmacist’s act of visiting clinical units to review medications, answer questions, and provide guidance.
Assessment of the costs and benefits of med treatments to assist in decision making.
Monitoring and reporting adverse med reactions, ensuring patient safety.
The science and activities related to the identification, assessment, understanding, and prevention of adverse effects or any problems related to medication use.
Pharmacy Committee and Therapeutics (PCT)
Multidisciplinary group that evaluates and selects medications to be used in the hospital, based on evidence.
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic parameters used in antimicrobial therapy for better antibiotic efficiency.
Originating from Japanese, it means “error-proofing.” It is an efficient tool used by institutions to prevent errors and was implemented in the Toyota Production System.
Rational Prescription
Process of careful, evidence-based choice of the most appropriate medication for the patient.
Process of checking and recording medicines delivered by the supplier, ensuring that they correspond to the order and are in adequate condition.
Process of checking and recording medicines delivered by the supplier, ensuring that they correspond to the order and are in adequate condition.
Mixing of substances to prepare a medicine, often involving dilution of powder or liquids.
Rescue Prescription
Prescription of medications to be used in emergency situations or for acute symptoms.
Rotative Inventory
Frequent and partial inventory counts to maintain record accuracy.
Route of Administration
Method by which a medicine is introduced into the body, such as oral, intravenous, intramuscular, etc.
Safety Stock
Extra quantity of medicines maintained to deal with unforeseen variations in demand.
Satellite Pharmacy
Small pharmacies located in specific areas of the hospital to meet the medication needs of nearby units.
Short Validity
Medicamentos com data de validade próxima, que devem ser usados antes dos outros.
Administration of medication “as needed” or in response to an acute condition.
People interested in a particular project within institutions.
Stop, Think, Act, Review – A tool used in healthcare consisting of pausing to focus on the immediate task, thinking of a method to identify corrective actions, taking action, and confirming the results in advance and applying contingencies if necessary.
Stock Management
Efficient planning and control of stock levels, considering factors such as demand, supply and available space.
Stock Write-off
Record the exit of medicines from stock when they are dispensed or administered.
Swiss Cheese Model
Created by British psychologist James Reason, the Swiss Cheese Theory is used for the prevention, analysis, and management of risks in complex systems to ensure process quality and safety.
A system for monitoring adverse events and technical complaints related to post-market health products, with the aim of recommending measures to protect and promote public health.
Therapeutic Monitoring
Regular monitoring of medication blood levels to adjust the dose according to the patient’s response.
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Calculation that considers all costs associated with the acquisition, storage and distribution of medicines.
The ability to track the origin, history and destination of each batch of medicines, allowing quick identification in case of problems.
Value Stream Mapping, a tool used to identify information related to processes, such as information about the flow of medications in the institution.
Venous Thromboembolism.